Emery, Declan and I went on our first big outing today to Greenbury Point. Just across the Severn River from Annapolis, Greenbury is fantastic natural area. We saw a variety of Sparrows, Cardinals, Mockingbirds, Hawks, Ruddy ducks, Canvasbacks, American Kestrel and we even heard the Northern Bobwhite.
We walked the Nature Loop and not much more, as both Mom and Son are still recovering from many a night of limited sleep. I proposed to Emery on that very bench. Declan and Mom rested comfortably while Dad pished and looked for birds.
Here are some highlights of the Haas Family's first Saturday morning wandering through nature!
A perched Red Shouldered Hawk in the meadow.

Here are two looks at a Field Sparrow.

And perhaps the most entertaining was this American Kestrel.

Smart bird... it even hangs out on a Kestrel House. How does it know?

Watching America's smallest falcon fly is always an impressive sight.

It would have been great to have gotten a photo of this magnificent raptor hovering while hunting. By the time I arrived, this bird had probably been finished breakfast for some time!

Maybe next time.

All the best,
Dan, Em & Declan!
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