Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Find the Peep

In this photo series of a flying flock of gulls, made up of mostly the Laughing variety, there is a peep that has joined them in the air.

Who am I kidding.... no one ever guesses at these things. Perhaps it has something to do with the difficulty one encounters when attempting to 'comment'? I've been told it's a real pain in the blog.

No need to chime in, but just for fun, here are some details about the photos:
-They were taken in August.
-I was in Worcester County at Truitt's Landing.
-I was looking for a Gull-Billed Tern.
-It didn't show.

Good luck. And please... just think of this exercise as an avian version of, "Where's Waldo?"Bored already? Too busy to try to look through all the gulls? I understand. Here are some close-ups. Now go and get back to dusting behind the television.

Coming Soon in the Next Blog: A photo series of some of my more difficult birds that I've seen this year. Olive-Sided Flycatcher? Sure. Blue-Winged Warbler? You bet. And a follow-up to Uncle Bob's Avian & Nature Library. I've inherited some of the most amazing books that I can't wait to tell you about soon.

Okay, back to what you were doing before you decided to waste a few minutes (that you'll never get back) on the internet. Thanks for stopping by the blog.

Good Birding,



Michael said...

Great photos and great attention to detail. thanks for sharing your outdoor life and being so articulate relating your experiences. I made the same observation on my blog. But mine is not nearly as interesting or informitive.

Thanks for taking the time share.
I'll keep reading

Larry said...

I'm not sure if I can make an id on that shorebird but I did notice that it has a 1/4" scratch on the left leg.

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