Today was cold, just ask Declan! We would happily try and describe the weather as sunny, clear, crisp, or something more inviting. But really, it was plain freezing.It was so cold... Oiseau decided to do his birding from the comfort of his kitchen window. Ba dum bum!
There were a few great birds to see (and sometimes hear) for a few brief seconds. RUBY CROWNED KINGLET, GREY CATBIRD and FIELD SPARROW, to name a few. Mostly, everything that could fly decided to stay hunkered down in the brush. Why even attempt to feed, perch, hunt or even fly on a day like today. Spring is just around the corner, right?
A RED FOX greeted me whilst I went looking for a RED SHOULDERED HAWK behind the mulching facility. According to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, RED FOXES are small (10-14 lbs.) dog-like animals with a sharp pointed nose, erect ears and a bushy tail. Although they can come in colors from black to blonde, they are usually red, with black legs and a white tipped tail. They are active during the day and night, and inhabit the entire state of Maryland. Like many other wildlife species, they have become "urbanized" and do quite will in urban and suburban environments. Red foxes are omnivorous, which means they eat both plants and animals. Their varied diet includes insects, birds, mice, snakes, rabbits, nuts, berries and fruits.
Truth be told, the GRAY FOX is the only fox species native to Maryland. The RED FOX hung out mostly in Canada and the Northern US. Some RED FOXES did manage to migrate South, but the vast majority of them were imported from England for the sport of fox hunting.
I imagine that the fox and the hawk were in that field searching for similar meals.Oiseau mentioned that the WHITE BREASTED NUTHATCH blinks it's eyes a lot. I did snap some photos of that eyelid excitement this morning. Maybe tomorrow, if you behave, I'll post proof of our winking nuthatch!
Stay Warm,
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